Carrie has an undergraduate degree in English, and a Masters degree in Multicultural Education from Eastern University. She has taught ESL and Academic Reading at the high school and junior college level in various urban settings, as well as EFL overseas.
Carrie also founded a non-profit called Someones Child that seeks to engage, educate, and empower families to combat human trafficking nationally and globally.
Currently, one can find Carrie enjoying the beautiful diversity of her own family, which includes her Czech husband, her eldest biological daughter, Bella, who is a medically fragile kiddo, and her youngest daughter, Ethiopian Habesha, Abeni.
Carrie is, “On a journey to live authentically”
Carrie is an amazing advocate and beautiful writer. Check out her work and contract with her today as a freelance writer by clicking and liking her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/raindropsandrivers/